Whatsup everyone? Just want to apologize for the past week... I definitely mismanaged what we're capable of doing... spread myself too thin with the football previews on top of MLB. I have visions for what I want this network to be and I think I may have hit the gas pedal a little too hard. My computer went down 8 days ago and I have a guy on vacation and I just wasn't able to keep up... had to cancel the live show this morning. I didn't take adversity into consideration when I was planning our August out... a couple things went wrong and I was just caught off-guard.
I don't think there's any correlation between these things and my MLB picks losing this week... few of those were just really bad luck (see Braves and Mariners for reference)... but as a whole, I've just been a little mentally overwhelmed which I'm sure has affected decision-making.
Now for the good news... my computer will be back Monday morning and we're entering a Fall where I've never felt more prepared.
Instead of posting bets as "blog posts" on the site... I built an "open bets" window... where you can go and view all of the open tickets for the upcoming week from anyone on the staff. It's definitely a much more efficient way to get the information. I also am building a "Community Open Bets" window... where you can go and view what other members of the group are betting that week. The Football Betting League is fully operational and is ready to roll. You get assigned a division at random to start the week. Thursday-Sunday you'll submit your bets daily. If you win your division, you'll receive a Division Champion badge attached to your name in the group. All division winners will compete on Monday Night Football for a $150 prize and the trophy.
Can't thank everyone enough for the continued support. Let's have a great football season.